How I developed a growth mindset that helped me achieve success at a very young age?

6 min readDec 15, 2022


A growth Mindset is a type of mindset that leads a person to improve themselves continuously.

Now you might ask me why it is important, the answer to it is that the Growth Mindset helped me to avoid all the obstacles, and also it has helped me to stop worrying about the Failures which I encountered during this journey of operating my own digital marketing business.

Now you might have a question to ask me, let me tell you what it is too,

Then what’s wrong with the Mindset (Fixed Mindset) that I have currently?

The Answer to it is that nothing wrong with it, but when it comes to becoming successful it is not suitable,

This is because people with a fixed mindset, Tend to hate people who have become successful,

They always feel like they know everything, also they always feel that people who have become successful have done so, as they were born with talents and great skills that they could implement into their careers or anything in life in general.

whereas what I have seen and experienced with the People with a Growth Mindset such as myself is that we always think that we don’t know enough about our career or even about the world, and also we always feel that no one is born with talents or skills, and we must improve ourselves to become successful.

Therefore we keep continue learning daily in order to learn new things, and also to improve our existing skills, as it can help us do our tasks more efficiently as that is a key to becoming successful.

On top of that, I have experienced that people with a fixed mindset tend to give up whenever a hard time occurs in their career or anything in life in general.

Also, They do avoid all the challenges that life gives them, and also they do not learn from that criticism instead they always make the same mistake again and again.

Now I know that you will be more motivated to change your mindset to a growth mindset, as it has tons of benefits,

To help you and explain my experience, of this mindset transformation.

I would like to tell you about some techniques which I used to change my mindset and helped me to become successful at a very young age.

Having Trust in myself

I would say that this was the key element, which helped me to change my mindset to a growth mindset.

When I was starting my digital marketing business, no one believed in me, until I was successful, However, I strongly believed in myself, and also I saw the opportunities that were available out there for me.

Learned from other people’s mistakes

When I started my own digital marketing business, I did monitor the mistakes which my competitors made, and I continuously learned from their failures and downfalls,

This helped me to avoid the same expensive and time-consuming mistakes which they made, instead I took them as a lesson, and I improved my service continuously.

I enjoyed the process of learning and I still do

This is a key factor, in my growth mindset which helped me to succeed in my digital marketing business.

I did enjoy the process of learning about business, and even regarding the digital marketing industry as a whole, this motivated me to keep going.

The best is that I did not take failure as an endpoint to whatever I did, instead, I used it as a great lesson, by which I was able to improve myself, and even my digital marketing business.

I found out the Why

I found out the reason why I wanted to change my mindset to a growth mindset,

Also to do so, I did network with people who already had a growth mindset, on social media, and also in real life, and I asked questions from them about how they did it.

On top of that I also worked with people who were developing their growth mindset, same as myself, this helped me to change my mindset to a growth mindset, way faster than I ever thought I would be able to.

I understood my limitations

This was a key essential to achieving my goals and becoming successful in my business.

I did identify the maximum boundaries that I could achieve in my business, this helped me to set up realistic goals, and also aims, that helped me to succeed.

I stopped asking other people’s opinions

This was a major factor that helped me to succeed in my digital marketing business,

I stopped asking other people’s opinions, especially when making decisions, instead, I did my research completely, and as a result of it, I was able to see success more quickly than I ever imagined.

I did and do Celebrate other people’s success

When I got started to change my mindset to a growth mindset, the main factor that I learned was that if I celebrated other people’s success like my own, It would motivate me to do things that would help me succeed as well,

The shocking part of it was, that it did help me do that, plus by celebrating other people’s success I was able to network with a lot of amazing people out there in the world,

The best part of it is that I was able to learn a lot of things that I could implement into my business, and even in my personal life, and also I did journal my daily activities.

Initially, I felt, a bit lazy, to do so, but eventually, I made it a habit.

I do write down all the activities that I did throughout the day in a journal, And I do go through them every single day, and l continuously learn and improve from the mistakes that I did while doing those activities daily.

I do view all Challenges as Great Learning Opportunities

Whenever I get a Challenge to do an activity, to think, or even anything in life, and in Business in general, I don’t view them as a very bad challenge.

This is because I understood that It is normal for life to put up negativity on my back, therefore I don’t view any challenge that comes to me as a bad thing,

Instead, I always think that it is a great opportunity for me, to overcome all the struggles that the challenges give me to grow myself even more.

I did change the words that I use

No doubt I could say that this was the greatest thing I did and I continue to do so, which helped me improve myself, and to change my mindset to a growth mindset.

Whenever I had and have a conversation, I tried and do try to add the word “yet” to it, for instance instead of saying “I am not good at copywriting” I told and I do tell that “I am not good at copywriting yet”,

This gives me a mental boost, telling me that I am not good up to the standard and I should improve myself to become the best out there, therefore that’s the reason why I tell this to be the major factor behind my success at a very young age.

I do things that reward me in some form Regularly mainly on a Daily Basis

This is a Simple factor that helped me to succeed, and this did help the people around me to change their mindset as well,

Whenever someone does something great, for example, if my cousin’s brother gets good grades in his school exams, instead of telling him “great, congratulations” I tell him “Great, you have added a lot of hard work onto it”,

By doing this I was able to motivate myself to become the same as well, therefore that’s the reason why I saw this as also a technique that helped me to succeed,

while Inspiring my cousin’s brother, to get a growth mindset, to become even greater, by improving his downsides on his educational pathway, and achieve even good grades on his exams in the future.


I hope that you got an idea, and learned about the techniques which I implemented in order to get a growth mindset, which helped me to become successful with my digital marketing business,

I also want to mention to you that all the things that I have mentioned in this article are based on my personal experiences only, and I did not write this article to hurt anyone in any way,

This means I am not telling anything bad about the people who have a fixed mindset, but I am telling you only my experience, the facts which are based on the research content available.

